Street vendors line the street with fresh fruit and flowers! Many people walk up and down the street admiring the beauty of the water! A ferry boat carries patient people through the water! Fresh fish is being thrown through the air to hungry people! You are filled with happiness, you are at Pike Place Market!
Pike Place Market is a farmer's market in Seattle! It is filled with fruit, flowers, fish, cheese, vegetables, t-shirts, and many other things! Unique shops are in the streets! When I visited Pike Place I saw an olive oil shop! This shop was filled with nothing but olive oil! I saw a Chinese store, a french bakery, a gourmet cheese shop where you could watch the cheese being made, and what I think should be named the best Hum Boa in the whole world!
Pike Place Market is know for their fish throwing! In the market there is a fish vendor! When you order fish they throw it to one another then hand it off to you! Another thing they have is pigs! All around Seattle are pigs! Some are painted some are just metal, but all are cute and charming! They were put in the city and then later auctioned off and given to a charity! Seattle is filled with many great places to see! I love going to the city and just walking around! If you ever go to Seattle you will have great food, loads of fun, and have a great time!
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